Wednesday 25 June 2008

Prosecutors Want Snipes Back In Jail

Actor Wesley Snipes could have his bail terms revoked and thrown in jail if the U.S. Attorney's Office has its way. The Blade star was handed a three-year prison sentence in April after officials found him guilty of failing to file his taxes for five years. His lawyers are working to have the charges overturned and secured a bail request to allow Snipes to remain free on bond last month while they try to appeal the convictions. Judge William Terrell Hodges ruled the " court is persuaded by the history of the case and all of the attendant circumstances that the defendant poses no substantial risk of flight and does not constitute a danger of any kind if he remains at liberty pending appeal". But prosecutors disagree with the Ocala, Florida judge - and on Thursday filed their own request to have Snipes surrender himself to police custody. Steve Cole, the spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office, says, "We want him in custody. He's been convicted by a jury. He has been sentenced to three years and he should be in custody."

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